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100 Kilometers in 4 Adventurous Days

Embarking on the Remarkable Journey from Le-Puy-en-Velay to Aumont-Aubrac We did it! What an amazing experience, but believe me, this route is reserved for seasoned and exceptionally fit travellers. The concept: “after every downhill, there will be an uphill,” takes on a vivid meaning along the Chemin Le-Puy, also known as GR 65, or for...

September is Camino High Season!

Welcome to the bustling High Camino Season in September! At this time of year, we at ‘Stap die Camino’ are abuzz with activity, assisting twelve groups along various picturesque routes, each day witnessing the departure of more enthusiastic pilgrims. The charming city of Santiago de Compostela has become a daily destination for a remarkable number...

Portugese Camino saam met Erns Grundling

PORTUGESE CAMINO saam met Erns Grundling 13-29 SEPTEMBER 2023 Die Camino bars tans uit sy nate met derduisende pelgrims wat van regoor die wêreld - en ook Suid-Afrika - op Spanje toesak. Ek gaan van 13-29 September die stiller maar diep tradisionele Portugese Camino stap van Porto tot Santiago Compostela, saam met Stap die Camino...

The Via Podiensis

The Via Podiensis, also known as Chemin le Puy or the Le Puy Route, represents one of the foremost popular pilgrimage routes in France, offering an unforgettable journey through the picturesque landscapes en-route to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, northwest Spain. The origins of this esteemed pilgrimage can be traced back to the year 950...

Erns Grundling & 16 pelgrims se Camino Ervaring

Erns Grundling het in Julie ‘n groep van 16 pelgrims vanaf Ponferrada na Santiago de Compostela begelei. Erns vertel… Toe ek my eerste Camino alleen gestap het in 2015, sou ek nooit kon droom dat ek ‘n paar jaar later sou terugkeer saam met ‘n groep nie. Maar die lewe is mos maar ‘n misterieuse...

Sussies Lelanie & Liesl se Camino Ervaring

Op 8 April 2022 het ek en my sussie, Lani uiteindelik vertrek op ons Portuguese Camino waaraan ons al beplan sedert 2019 Wat ‘n ongelooflike ervaring was dit!!!  Ons het van die begin besluit om alleen te stap; omdat ons die tog op ons eie tyd, spoed en tempo wou aanpak.  Jy moet jou stap...